Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is important for people of all ages to understand. From the time you are a young child to becoming an independent adult, it is important to know how to manage your money and the different ways you can do it. MRV Banks is a great resource for financial literacy. See below for resources to help guide your financial decisions in the right direction.


Kids Corner

Dollar the Dragon is here to help teach your kids all bout money. We use money in many different ways, and there are lots of tools to help us earn, save and spend money. Click the button below to meet Dollar the Dragon to help teach your kids about money.

  • Things to Discover:
  • - Dollar's Guide to Banking
  • - History of Money
  • - Kid's Calculator
  • - Fun Facts
  • - Money Glossary
  • - Making Money Ideas
  • - Games and Activities
  • - Homework Help
  • and so much more!
Meet Dollar the Dragon

Money Matters for Students

Find out how to make money and manage it wisely with our Money Matters for Students website. This website is packed with information on getting, keeping, spending and growing your money. Whether it’s managing your money wisely, making good financial decisions, investing your money, getting a job, thinking about college, or looking for homework help, this is the place where you’ll find the facts.

  • Learn About:
  • - Managing Money
  • -Making Money
  • - Homework Help
  • - Higher Education
  • - Job Market
  • and so much more!
Learn More

Young Adult Program (In cooperation with FIS)

This financial education program is geared towards young adults between the ages of 14 and 20 years old. This interactive, online, mobile-friendly program is now available and focuses on learning the basics of personal finance and building a positive relationship with money.

  • - Setting goals, budgeting, saving, spending, borrowing and using credit — are just a few types of knowledge, skills and behaviors people need to manage their resources effectively. It also takes 21st-century skills such as research, analysis, and problem-solving to make good financial decisions.
  • - Each of the 22 lessons takes learners through the financial decisions that young adults face. As you complete each lesson, you will evaluate current or gained knowledge learned through the content and activities.
Start Course

Adult Program (In cooperation with FIS)

This program is for adults in many different life stages and financial situations. That includes adults starting or changing careers and going through significant life events such as expanding their families or purchasing or renting their first homes. 64% of adults assert that money is a significant stressor. The Financial Literacy Program run by FIS can help alleviate this stress by providing real-life examples of managing your money wisely.

  • This Program Has:
  • - Information that’s updated, relevant, and informed by research
  • - An emphasis on real-life skills and choices
  • - Realistic scenarios
  • - An expanded array of practical tools and resources
  • - Key takeaways
Start Course

FDIC Calculator

FDIC’s Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE) lets consumers and bankers know, on a per-bank basis, how the insurance rules and limits apply to a depositor’s specific group of deposit accounts—what’s insured and what portion (if any) exceeds coverage limits at that bank. EDIE also allows the user to print the report for their records.

  • EDIE can be used to calculate the insurance coverage of all types of deposit accounts offered by an FDIC-insured bank, including:
  • - Checking Accounts
  • - Savings Accounts (both statement and passbook)
  • - Money Market Deposit Accounts (MMDAs), and
  • - Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
Calculate Your Insurance

Calculate the Value of Your Paper Savings Bond(s)

Knowing the value of your Paper Savings Bond(s) is important. This Savings Bond Calculator by TreasuryDirect will help calculate the value of a paper bond based on the series, denomination, and issue date. Click the link below to be directed to this calculator to help find the value of your Paper Savings Bond(s).

  • The Savings Bond Calculator WILL NOT:
  • - Give correct values for electronic bonds. The calculator is for paper bonds only.
  • - Verify whether or not you own bonds.
  • - Guarantee the serial number you enter is valid.
  • - Guarantee a bond is eligible to be cashed.
  • - Create a savings bond based on information you enter.
Calculate Your Savings Bond(s)